Monday, June 15, 2009

Post-Election Violence in Iran

As I'm sure many of you have heard, the post-election violence has reached unprecedented heights as the Iranian people take to the streets in support of their allegedly defeated candidate Mousavi.

The Huffington Post has been compiling twitter and other various live-blogging feeds from the ground in Tehran and other cities as the demonstrations continue to unfold. To subscribe to an RSS feed, click here.

While many in Iran and around the world have shown their support for the results, the suspicious nature of the circumstances should be noted. Leading up to the election, polls showed Mousavi carrying a hefty lead against the incumbent

Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks newscast had an excellent run down of what he says are clear indicators of coordinated state efforts to, at the least, influence the results and at worst, disregard the people's votes entirely.

Many around the world, and especially the Iranian's, are looking toward's President Obama administration for an opinion, a motion of support, et cetera but have only recieved brief acknowledgement. This seemingly strange silence is not without purpose as the administration clearly understands the precariousness of the situation. While the Iranian people clearly want acknowledgment and vindication, they want it on their terms and through their hands.

Expect more developments in the coming days, and continue to check The Huffington Post for more critical updates.

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